Galleries 238
Collections 0
Groups 0
This section is best used if you have an interest in photos of specific species of birds. A more casual viewer might prefer to see the photos "By Location".


18 photos

Auklet, Parakeet

1 photos
Auklet, Parakeet

Avocet, American

31 photos
Avocet, American

Bittern, American

1 photos
Bittern, American

Bittern, Least

2 photos
Bittern, Least

Blackbird, Red-winged

24 photos
Blackbird, Red-winged

Blackbird, Yellow-headed

20 photos
Blackbird, Yellow-headed

Bluebird, Eastern

1 photos
Bluebird, Eastern

Bluebird, Mountain

33 photos
Bluebird, Mountain

Bluebird, Western

4 photos
Bluebird, Western

Bobwhite, Masked

2 photos
Bobwhite, Masked

Bobwhite, Northern

24 photos
Bobwhite, Northern


9 photos

Bunting, Painted

38 photos
Bunting, Painted

Caracara, Crested

19 photos
Caracara, Crested

Cardinal, Northern

64 photos
Cardinal, Northern

Chickadee, Black-capped

2 photos
Chickadee, Black-capped

Chickadee, Mountain

13 photos
Chickadee, Mountain


10 photos

Coot, American

11 photos
Coot, American

Cormorant, Double-crested

16 photos
Cormorant, Double-crested

Cowbird, Bronzed

13 photos
Cowbird, Bronzed

Cowbird, Brown-headed

5 photos
Cowbird, Brown-headed

Cranes, Sandhill

76 photos
Cranes, Sandhill

Crossbill, Red

3 photos
Crossbill, Red

Curlew, Long-billed

20 photos
Curlew, Long-billed


8 photos

Dipper, American

30 photos
Dipper, American

Dove, Common Ground

9 photos
Dove, Common Ground

Dove, Eurasian Collered

1 photos
Dove, Eurasian Collered

Dove, Inca

4 photos
Dove, Inca

Dove, Mourning

11 photos
Dove, Mourning

Dove, White-tipped

13 photos
Dove, White-tipped

Dove, White-winged

7 photos
Dove, White-winged

Dowitcher, Long-billed

2 photos
Dowitcher, Long-billed

Dowitcher, Short-billed

3 photos
Dowitcher, Short-billed

Duck, Harlequin

84 photos
Duck, Harlequin

Duck, Mottled

3 photos
Duck, Mottled

Duck, Redhead

2 photos
Duck, Redhead

Duck, Ring-necked

1 photos
Duck, Ring-necked

Duck, Ruddy

11 photos
Duck, Ruddy

Eagle, Bald

108 photos
Eagle, Bald

Eagle, Golden

18 photos
Eagle, Golden

Egret, Cattle

5 photos
Egret, Cattle

Egret, Great

19 photos
Egret, Great

Egret, Snowy

31 photos
Egret, Snowy

Falcon, Peregrine

8 photos
Falcon, Peregrine

Falcon, Prairie

3 photos
Falcon, Prairie

Finch, Black Rosy

4 photos
Finch, Black Rosy

Finch, Cassin's

25 photos
Finch, Cassin's

Finch, House

6 photos
Finch, House

Flicker, Gilded

2 photos
Flicker, Gilded

Flicker, Northern

85 photos
Flicker, Northern

Flycatcher, Ash-throated

3 photos
Flycatcher, Ash-throated

Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed

4 photos
Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed

Gallinule, Purple

8 photos
Gallinule, Purple

Godwit, Marbled

1 photos
Godwit, Marbled

Goldeneye, Barrow's

18 photos
Goldeneye, Barrow's

Goldeneye, Common

2 photos
Goldeneye, Common

Goldfinch, Lesser

6 photos
Goldfinch, Lesser

Goose, Brant

1 photos
Goose, Brant

Goose, Canada

8 photos
Goose, Canada

Goose, Ross's

2 photos
Goose, Ross's

Goose, Snow

47 photos
Goose, Snow

Goshawk, Northern

7 photos
Goshawk, Northern

Grackle, Boat-tailed

1 photos
Grackle, Boat-tailed

Grackle, Common

4 photos
Grackle, Common

Grebe, Clark's

11 photos
Grebe, Clark's

Grebe, Eared

10 photos
Grebe, Eared

Grebe, Horned

9 photos
Grebe, Horned

Grebe, Pied-billed

10 photos
Grebe, Pied-billed

Grebe, Western

32 photos
Grebe, Western

Grosbeak, Black-headed

2 photos
Grosbeak, Black-headed

Grosbeak, Blue

4 photos
Grosbeak, Blue

Grouse, Dusky

32 photos
Grouse, Dusky

Grouse, Greater Sage

10 photos
Grouse, Greater Sage

Grouse, Ruffed

7 photos
Grouse, Ruffed

Grouse, Spruce

1 photos
Grouse, Spruce

Gull, Bonaparte's

3 photos
Gull, Bonaparte's

Gull, California

1 photos
Gull, California

Gull, Franklin's

2 photos
Gull, Franklin's

Gull, Glaucous-winged

9 photos
Gull, Glaucous-winged

Gull, Ring-billed

6 photos
Gull, Ring-billed


3 photos

Harrier, Northern

6 photos
Harrier, Northern

Hawk, Ferruginous

5 photos
Hawk, Ferruginous

Hawk, Harris

12 photos
Hawk, Harris

Hawk, Red-shouldered

5 photos
Hawk, Red-shouldered

Hawk, Red-tailed

18 photos
Hawk, Red-tailed

Hawk, Rough-legged

2 photos
Hawk, Rough-legged

Hawk, Sharp-shinned

1 photos
Hawk, Sharp-shinned

Hawk, Swainson's

4 photos
Hawk, Swainson's

Heron, Black-crowned Night

8 photos
Heron, Black-crowned Night

Heron, Great Blue

30 photos
Heron, Great Blue

Heron, Green

9 photos
Heron, Green

Heron, Little Blue

6 photos
Heron, Little Blue

Heron, Tri-colored

10 photos
Heron, Tri-colored

Heron, Yellow-crowned Night

1 photos
Heron, Yellow-crowned Night

Hummingbird, Anna's

1 photos
Hummingbird, Anna's

Hummingbird, Broad-billed

1 photos
Hummingbird, Broad-billed

Hummingbird, Magnificant

1 photos
Hummingbird, Magnificant

Ibis, Glossy

2 photos
Ibis, Glossy

Ibis, White

8 photos
Ibis, White

Ibis, White-faced

17 photos
Ibis, White-faced

Jay, Gray

5 photos
Jay, Gray

Jay, Green

38 photos
Jay, Green

Jay, Mexican

3 photos
Jay, Mexican

Jay, Pinyon

3 photos
Jay, Pinyon

Jay, Steller's

12 photos
Jay, Steller's

Junco, Dark-eyed

9 photos
Junco, Dark-eyed

Kestrel, American

20 photos
Kestrel, American


10 photos

Kingbird, Couch's

1 photos
Kingbird, Couch's

Kingbird, Western

1 photos
Kingbird, Western

Kingfisher, Belted

2 photos
Kingfisher, Belted

Kiskadee, Great

3 photos
Kiskadee, Great

Kittiwake, Black-legged

7 photos
Kittiwake, Black-legged

Lark, Horned

5 photos
Lark, Horned


5 photos

Loon, Common

19 photos
Loon, Common

Magpie, Black-billed

3 photos
Magpie, Black-billed


21 photos

Meadowlark, Western

9 photos
Meadowlark, Western

Merganser, Common

21 photos
Merganser, Common


2 photos

Mockingbird, Northern

30 photos
Mockingbird, Northern

Moorhen, Common

6 photos
Moorhen, Common

Murre, Common

7 photos
Murre, Common

Nutcracker, Clark's

12 photos
Nutcracker, Clark's

Nuthatch, Pygmy

2 photos
Nuthatch, Pygmy

Nuthatch, White-breasted

13 photos
Nuthatch, White-breasted

Oriole, Audubon's

5 photos
Oriole, Audubon's

Oriole, Baltimore

4 photos
Oriole, Baltimore

Oriole, Bullock's

7 photos
Oriole, Bullock's

Oriole, Hooded

1 photos
Oriole, Hooded


38 photos


1 photos

Owl, Barn

6 photos
Owl, Barn

Owl, Barred

6 photos
Owl, Barred

Owl, Burrowing

19 photos
Owl, Burrowing

Owl, Eastern Screech

3 photos
Owl, Eastern Screech

Owl, Elf

2 photos
Owl, Elf

Owl, Great Gray

116 photos
Owl, Great Gray

Owl, Great Horned

23 photos
Owl, Great Horned

Owl, Long-eared

9 photos
Owl, Long-eared

Owl, Northern Hawk

4 photos
Owl, Northern Hawk

Owl, Northern Pygmy

7 photos
Owl, Northern Pygmy

Owl, Northern Saw-whet

2 photos
Owl, Northern Saw-whet

Owl, Short-eared

3 photos
Owl, Short-eared

Owl, Snowy

14 photos
Owl, Snowy

Owl, Western Screech

1 photos
Owl, Western Screech

Oystercatcher, Black

4 photos
Oystercatcher, Black

Parrot, Lilac-crowned

3 photos
Parrot, Lilac-crowned

Parrot, White-fronted

1 photos
Parrot, White-fronted

Partridge, Gray

1 photos
Partridge, Gray

Pelican, American White

67 photos
Pelican, American  White

Pelican, Brown

6 photos
Pelican, Brown


1 photos

Phalarope, Wilson's

2 photos
Phalarope, Wilson's


4 photos

Phoebe, Eastern

1 photos
Phoebe, Eastern

Phoebe, Say's

15 photos
Phoebe, Say's

Pintail, Northern

15 photos
Pintail, Northern

Prairie-Chicken, Greater

7 photos
Prairie-Chicken, Greater

Ptarmigan, Willow

2 photos
Ptarmigan, Willow

Puffin, Horned

20 photos
Puffin, Horned

Puffin, Tufted

5 photos
Puffin, Tufted


29 photos

Quail, California

1 photos
Quail, California

Quail, Gambel's

2 photos
Quail, Gambel's


11 photos

Roadrunner, Greater

36 photos
Roadrunner, Greater

Robin, American

9 photos
Robin, American

Sapsucker, Red-naped

14 photos
Sapsucker, Red-naped

Sapsucker, Williamson's

12 photos
Sapsucker, Williamson's

Scaup, Lesser

22 photos
Scaup, Lesser

Scoter, Surf

2 photos
Scoter, Surf

Shoveler, Northern

17 photos
Shoveler, Northern

Siskin, Pine

2 photos
Siskin, Pine

Skimmer, Black

6 photos
Skimmer, Black

Snipe, Wilson's

4 photos
Snipe, Wilson's

Solitaire, Townsend's

3 photos
Solitaire, Townsend's


4 photos

Sparrow, Black-throated

11 photos
Sparrow, Black-throated

Sparrow, Brewer's

1 photos
Sparrow, Brewer's

Sparrow, Chipping

7 photos
Sparrow, Chipping

Sparrow, House

2 photos
Sparrow, House

Sparrow, Lark

6 photos
Sparrow, Lark

Sparrow, Lincoln's

4 photos
Sparrow, Lincoln's

Sparrow, Olive

15 photos
Sparrow, Olive

Sparrow, Song

1 photos
Sparrow, Song

Sparrow, White-crowned

7 photos
Sparrow, White-crowned

Spoonbill, Roseate

4 photos
Spoonbill, Roseate

Stilt, Black-necked

7 photos
Stilt, Black-necked

Stork, Wood

2 photos
Stork, Wood

Swallow, Barn

3 photos
Swallow, Barn

Swallow, Cliff

6 photos
Swallow, Cliff

Swallow, Tree

8 photos
Swallow, Tree

Swallow, Violet-green

2 photos
Swallow, Violet-green

Swan, Trumpeter

39 photos
Swan, Trumpeter

Swan, Tundra

5 photos
Swan, Tundra

Tanager, Summer

2 photos
Tanager, Summer

Tanager, Western

23 photos
Tanager, Western

Teal, Blue-winged

5 photos
Teal, Blue-winged

Teal, Cinnamon

18 photos
Teal, Cinnamon

Teal, Green-winged

3 photos
Teal, Green-winged

Tern, Caspian

2 photos
Tern, Caspian

Thrasher, Curve-billed

17 photos
Thrasher, Curve-billed

Thrasher, Long-billed

12 photos
Thrasher, Long-billed

Thrush, Gray-cheeked

3 photos
Thrush, Gray-cheeked

Titmouse, Black-crested

10 photos
Titmouse, Black-crested

Titmouse, Bridled

3 photos
Titmouse, Bridled

Towhee, Green-tailed

17 photos
Towhee, Green-tailed


7 photos

Vireo, White-eyed

1 photos
Vireo, White-eyed

Vulture, Black

3 photos
Vulture, Black

Vulture, Turkey

17 photos
Vulture, Turkey

Warbler, Nashville

5 photos
Warbler, Nashville

Warbler, Palm

2 photos
Warbler, Palm

Warbler, Yellow

13 photos
Warbler, Yellow

Warbler, Yellow-rumped

11 photos
Warbler, Yellow-rumped

Waxwing, Cedar

5 photos
Waxwing, Cedar

Waxwings, Bohemian

1 photos
Waxwings, Bohemian


2 photos

Woodpecker, Acorn

4 photos
Woodpecker, Acorn

Woodpecker, Downy

1 photos
Woodpecker, Downy

Woodpecker, Gila

3 photos
Woodpecker, Gila

Woodpecker, Golden-fronted

12 photos
Woodpecker, Golden-fronted

Woodpecker, Hairy

3 photos
Woodpecker, Hairy

Woodpecker, Ladder-backed

2 photos
Woodpecker, Ladder-backed

Woodpecker, Pileated

1 photos
Woodpecker, Pileated

Woodpecker, Red-bellied

5 photos
Woodpecker, Red-bellied

Woodpecker, White-headed

18 photos
Woodpecker, White-headed

Wren, Cactus

1 photos
Wren, Cactus

Wren, House

1 photos
Wren, House

Wren, Marsh

11 photos
Wren, Marsh

Yellowlegs, Lesser

2 photos
Yellowlegs, Lesser

Yellowthroat, Common

2 photos
Yellowthroat, Common