This section is best used if you have an interest in photos of specific species of birds. A more casual viewer might prefer to see the photos "By Location".

Albatross, Waved

4 photos
Albatross, Waved


2 photos

Ani, Groove-billed

2 photos
Ani, Groove-billed

Aracari, Chestnut-eared

4 photos
Aracari, Chestnut-eared

Aracari, Collared

7 photos
Aracari, Collared


4 photos

Booby, Blue-footed

14 photos
Booby, Blue-footed

Booby, Nazca

20 photos
Booby, Nazca

Booby, Red-footed

13 photos
Booby, Red-footed

Caracara, Southern Crested

5 photos
Caracara, Southern Crested

Cardinal, Red-crested

3 photos
Cardinal, Red-crested

Cardinal, Yellow-billed

3 photos
Cardinal, Yellow-billed

Chachalaca, Chaco

2 photos
Chachalaca, Chaco

Chachalaca, Grey-headed

3 photos
Chachalaca, Grey-headed

Cormorant, Flightless

5 photos
Cormorant, Flightless

Cormorant, Neotropic

3 photos
Cormorant, Neotropic

Cowbird, Giant

2 photos
Cowbird, Giant

Cuckoo, Guira

3 photos
Cuckoo, Guira

Cuckoo, Squirrel

2 photos
Cuckoo, Squirrel

Curassow, Bare-faced

4 photos
Curassow, Bare-faced

Curassow, Great

3 photos
Curassow, Great

Donacobius, Black-capped

1 photos
Donacobius, Black-capped

Dove, Eared

1 photos
Dove, Eared

Dove, Galápagos

1 photos
Dove, Galápagos

Duck, Black-bellied Whistling

2 photos
Duck, Black-bellied Whistling

Egret, Great

3 photos
Egret, Great

Egrets, Snowy

1 photos
Egrets, Snowy

Euphonia, Olive-backed

3 photos
Euphonia, Olive-backed

Euphonia, Spot-crowned

2 photos
Euphonia, Spot-crowned

Euphonia, Yellow-crowned

1 photos
Euphonia, Yellow-crowned

Euphonia, Yellow-throated

1 photos
Euphonia, Yellow-throated

Finch, Chestnut-capped Brush

2 photos
Finch, Chestnut-capped Brush

Finch, Large Cactus

1 photos
Finch, Large Cactus

Finch, Large Ground

1 photos
Finch, Large Ground

Finch, Yellow-thighed

2 photos
Finch, Yellow-thighed

Flamingo, American

1 photos
Flamingo, American

Flycatcher, Vermilion

2 photos
Flycatcher, Vermilion


13 photos

Gallinule, Purple

1 photos
Gallinule, Purple

Guan, Black

5 photos
Guan, Black

Guan, Chestnut-bellied

1 photos
Guan, Chestnut-bellied

Guan, Crested

5 photos
Guan, Crested

Gull, Lava

1 photos
Gull, Lava

Gull, Swallow-tailed

7 photos
Gull, Swallow-tailed

Hawk, Black-collared

7 photos
Hawk, Black-collared

Hawk, Broad-winged

1 photos
Hawk, Broad-winged

Hawk, Crane

2 photos
Hawk, Crane

Hawk, Galapagos

4 photos
Hawk, Galapagos

Hawk, Great Black

5 photos
Hawk, Great Black

Hawk, Roadside

4 photos
Hawk, Roadside

Hawk, Savanna

2 photos
Hawk, Savanna

Heron, Agami

3 photos
Heron, Agami

Heron, Black-crowned Night

8 photos
Heron, Black-crowned Night

Heron, Boat-billed

5 photos
Heron, Boat-billed

Heron, Capped

3 photos
Heron, Capped

Heron, Cocoi

9 photos
Heron, Cocoi

Heron, Great Blue

2 photos
Heron, Great Blue

Heron, Green

2 photos
Heron, Green

Heron, Lava

2 photos
Heron, Lava

Heron, Little Blue

1 photos
Heron, Little Blue

Heron, Rufescent Tiger

10 photos
Heron, Rufescent Tiger

Heron, Striated

5 photos
Heron, Striated

Heron, Whistling

1 photos
Heron, Whistling

Honeycreeper, Green

4 photos
Honeycreeper, Green

Honeycreeper, Red-legged

3 photos
Honeycreeper, Red-legged

Hummingbird, Black-bellied

8 photos
Hummingbird, Black-bellied

Hummingbird, Black-Crested Coquette

1 photos
Hummingbird, Black-Crested Coquette

Hummingbird, Brown Violet-ear

1 photos
Hummingbird, Brown Violet-ear

Hummingbird, Coppery-headed Emerald

5 photos
Hummingbird, Coppery-headed Emerald

Hummingbird, Green Hermit

7 photos
Hummingbird, Green Hermit

Hummingbird, Green-crowned Brilliant

19 photos
Hummingbird, Green-crowned Brilliant

Hummingbird, Magnificent

3 photos
Hummingbird, Magnificent

Hummingbird, Rufous-tailed

4 photos
Hummingbird, Rufous-tailed

Hummingbird, Violet-headed

1 photos
Hummingbird, Violet-headed

Ibis, Buff-necked

5 photos
Ibis, Buff-necked

Ibis, Plumbeous

2 photos
Ibis, Plumbeous


13 photos

Jacamar, Rufous-tailed

4 photos
Jacamar, Rufous-tailed

Jacana, Northern

1 photos
Jacana, Northern

Jacana, Wattled

2 photos
Jacana, Wattled

Jay, Brown

2 photos
Jay, Brown

Jay, Plush-crested

3 photos
Jay, Plush-crested

Kingbird, Tropical

2 photos
Kingbird, Tropical

Kingfisher, Amazon

11 photos
Kingfisher, Amazon

Kingfisher, American Pygmy

1 photos
Kingfisher, American Pygmy

Kingfisher, Green

2 photos
Kingfisher, Green

Kingfisher, Ringed

14 photos
Kingfisher, Ringed

Kiskadee, Great

7 photos
Kiskadee, Great

Kite, Snail

1 photos
Kite, Snail


4 photos

Macaw, Great Green

2 photos
Macaw, Great Green

Macaw, Hyacinth

4 photos
Macaw, Hyacinth

Macaw, Red-and-green

22 photos
Macaw, Red-and-green

Macaw, Scarlet

8 photos
Macaw, Scarlet

Mockingbird, Galápagos

8 photos
Mockingbird, Galápagos

Monjita, White-rumped

1 photos
Monjita, White-rumped

Motmot, Blue-capped

1 photos
Motmot, Blue-capped

Motmot, Broad-billed

2 photos
Motmot, Broad-billed

Motmot, Turquoise-browed

3 photos
Motmot, Turquoise-browed

Mountain-gem, Purple-throated

12 photos
Mountain-gem, Purple-throated

Night-heron, Yellow-crowned

3 photos
Night-heron, Yellow-crowned

Nunbird, Black-fronted

1 photos
Nunbird, Black-fronted

Oriole Streak-backed

2 photos
Oriole Streak-backed

Oriole, Baltimore

1 photos
Oriole, Baltimore

Oropendela, Montezuma

8 photos
Oropendela, Montezuma

Oropendola, Chestnut-headed

2 photos
Oropendola, Chestnut-headed

Oropendola, Crested

1 photos
Oropendola, Crested

Oystercatcher, American

5 photos
Oystercatcher, American

Parakeet, Black-hooded

8 photos
Parakeet, Black-hooded

Parakeet, Monk

1 photos
Parakeet, Monk

Parrot, Mealy

1 photos
Parrot, Mealy

Parrot, Red-lored

1 photos
Parrot, Red-lored

Parrot, Turquoise-fronted

1 photos
Parrot, Turquoise-fronted

Pelican, Brown

16 photos
Pelican, Brown

Penguin, Galápagos

2 photos
Penguin, Galápagos

Petrel, Elliot's Storm

2 photos
Petrel, Elliot's Storm

Pintail, White-cheeked

1 photos
Pintail, White-cheeked

Plover, Collared

1 photos
Plover, Collared

Plover, Pied

5 photos
Plover, Pied

Potoo, Common

1 photos
Potoo, Common

Potoo, Great

1 photos
Potoo, Great

Puffbird, Chaco

1 photos
Puffbird, Chaco

Rail, Grey-necked Wood

3 photos
Rail, Grey-necked Wood

Rhea, Greater

3 photos
Rhea, Greater

Sabrewing, Violet

10 photos
Sabrewing, Violet

Saltator, Buff-throated

3 photos
Saltator, Buff-throated

Sandpiper, Spotted

3 photos
Sandpiper, Spotted

Screamer, Southern

1 photos
Screamer, Southern

Seriema, Red-legged

5 photos
Seriema, Red-legged

Skimmer, Black

3 photos
Skimmer, Black

Sparrow, Rufous-collared

2 photos
Sparrow, Rufous-collared

Stilt, Black-necked

1 photos
Stilt, Black-necked


1 photos

Tanager, Bay-headed

2 photos
Tanager, Bay-headed

Tanager, Blue-gray

6 photos
Tanager, Blue-gray

Tanager, Cherrie's

8 photos
Tanager, Cherrie's

Tanager, Common Bush

4 photos
Tanager, Common Bush

Tanager, Golden-hooded

5 photos
Tanager, Golden-hooded

Tanager, Gray Headed

2 photos
Tanager, Gray Headed

Tanager, Palm

3 photos
Tanager, Palm

Tanager, Passerini's

7 photos
Tanager, Passerini's

Tanager, Silver-throated

2 photos
Tanager, Silver-throated

Tanager, Summer

4 photos
Tanager, Summer

Teal, Brazilian

1 photos
Teal, Brazilian

Tern, Royal

2 photos
Tern, Royal

Thrush, Clay-colored

4 photos
Thrush, Clay-colored

Thrush, Rufous-bellied

2 photos
Thrush, Rufous-bellied

Toucan, Chestnut-mandibled

9 photos
Toucan, Chestnut-mandibled

Toucan, Keel-billed

5 photos
Toucan, Keel-billed

Toucan, Toco

5 photos
Toucan, Toco

Toucanet, Emerald

3 photos
Toucanet, Emerald

Tropicbird, Red-billed

2 photos
Tropicbird, Red-billed

Turquoise-fronted Amazon

2 photos
Turquoise-fronted Amazon

Tyrant, Black-backed Water

1 photos
Tyrant, Black-backed Water

Vulture, Black

6 photos
Vulture, Black

Vulture, Turkey

4 photos
Vulture, Turkey

Warbler, Yellow

4 photos
Warbler, Yellow

Woodcreeper, Streak-headed

1 photos
Woodcreeper, Streak-headed

Woodpecker, Blackcheeked

7 photos
Woodpecker, Blackcheeked

Woodpecker, Hoffmann's

2 photos
Woodpecker, Hoffmann's

Woodpecker, Pale-billed

4 photos
Woodpecker, Pale-billed

Woodpecker, White

2 photos
Woodpecker, White